History | The Rose Society of NSW

Established on 15 January 1913, the National Rose Society of New South Wales celebrates over 100 years of continuous operation, with some restructure along the way to become the current Rose Society of NSW Inc. The Founding President, William Herbert Ifould OBE was an avid rose grower and exhibitor. Commitment and passion are the hallmark of members throughout the long history of the Society.

During the late 1920s and early ‘30s shows and competitions were keenly supported. Media sponsorship by the Daily Telegraph, The Australian Women’s Weekly and Woman’s Day greatly stimulated wider interest in rose culture in the 1960s and ‘70s through to the ‘90s. In addition, landmark department stores Farmers/Myer, David Jones, Marcus Clark and Anthony Horderns provided wonderful venues for Spring and Autumn Rose Festivals over this period.

Members were encouraged to participate more actively in the Society through the establishment of Regionals in various parts of the State. Currently there are nine Regional Societies: Sydney Region, Illawarra Region, Macarthur District Region, Hunter Valley Region, Nepean Blue Mountains and Hawkesbury (NBMH) Region, Central Coast-Lake Macquarie Region, Southern Highlands Region, Upper North Shore and Hills Region and our newest region Southern Sydney Region, which was established in 2018.

The Regional Spring and Autumn Rose Shows help to promote the Society and give the public an opportunity to view some of the newest cultivars available and to see roses displayed at their very best. The Society also offers cultural advice, rose identification, pruning demonstrations, garden visits, bus tours and other social activities.

To mark the first 100 years of the Society, the Historian, Judith Oyston, compiled a history of the Society. This book 'The Rose Society of NSW Inc. Centenary 1913 – 2013', is an excellent and informative read, giving insights and anecdotes about each decade through the eyes of people who loved growing roses.

If you would like to purchase a copy of the book contact the NSW Rose Society Secretary

Illawarra Regional Rose Society

In 2024 the Illawarra Regional Rose Society celebrated 50 years of continuous operation. The celebrations for this outstanding achievement included the publication of a historical booklet of the Region. You can access the booklet through the link below.