World Federation of Rose Societies Adelaide Australia

The World Federation of Rose Societies World Rose Convention will be held from 27 October to 3 November, 2022 in the beautiful City of Adelaide. Convention chairman, Kelvin Trimper AM, confirmed that the convention will proceed as both a “face-to-face” convention as well as offering online registrations to rose lovers around the world. The world-class Adelaide Convention Centre will provide a high-quality streaming service for the Opening Ceremony, 3-day Lecture Series and WFRS Gala Awards Dinner for Online Registrants.A number of exciting before and after tours offer an incredible range of holiday experiences for the international delegates and we know they are going to enjoy our iconic attractions and see many beautiful gardens.
For those attending in person, the organising committee have finalised the registration fee and the final program.
To obtain more information relating to the Convention and to be kept informed and receive regular updates, visit the website and join the mailing list at this address here: